Here’s a killer core workout you can do anywhere, anytime. We are delivering 5 powerful core moves using only a loop band.
More proof that the best tools you can keep in your workout arsenal are resistance bands!
This 5 move routine uses a loop band and is tougher than any gym workout.
We love loop bands! Small and easy to store yet pack a big punch. And with 3 levels of resistance, you progress up to the next level as you grow stronger. Are you ready to challenge your obliques and your entire abdominal wall? Fantastic! This combination also includes upper and lower body muscles, making it a full body powerhouse routine.
Aim for 3 rounds of 8-15 reps, depending on your fitness level.
Go on, sweat it out and have FUN!
Resistance band workouts have gained tremendous popularity this year, as more people are working out from home. Fitness enthusiasts and beginners alike choose resistance bands for their strengthening benefits along with their versatility. Bands are ideal because they take workouts to the next level, example: these 5 powerful core moves with a resistance loop band. And with resistance bands that range from easy to super strong, the exercise variations are endless. Did you try this killer core & more routine? We sure would love to hear about it! Leave a comment. Feel free to hit “share” to help others hear about the workout.