Have you been feeling low on energy, stressed out, or simply just not your best in terms of wellness these days? Hey, I’ve been there too. For that reason, I’ve put together a list of my best advice with 10 ways you can look and feel your absolute best — right now. Here’s what I do when I want to boost my mood, reduce stress, and just feel energized overall. Let’s jump in!
As simple as it sounds, this is a game-changer. Even if it doesn’t feel genuine, sometimes I force myself to smile. It might sound funny, but, as Verywell Mind notes, it can actually trick your mind into a positive state. Give it a try!
I don’t know about you, but anytime I’m feeling unmotivated, moody, or lacking energy, I try to get a workout in. Even if it’s an internal battle to get to the gym or out for a run, it always feels good once I get started. I find that action creates more action because I always want to start crossing off the rest of my to-do list after that. It could even be as simple as dancing to my favorite song or taking the dog for a walk.
Anytime I’m feeling unenergized or uninspired, I’ll listen to a podcast. There’s nothing more inspiring than listening to personal development gurus tell their stories and share mindset tips.
I love taking the time to prepare a healthy, balanced meal whenever I get the chance. It always makes me feel great after.
This is a big one for me because it helps me appreciate all of the beautiful things I have in life. I like to keep a nightly gratitude journal, but it works anytime I’m not feeling overly positive about life.
Sometimes I don’t realize how much my posture affects my mood. If you’re feeling stressed out, Health Psychology cites studies that show that you can actually trick your body into feeling more positive just by sitting upright. It helps to bring me back a sense of power over my emotions.
Nothing beats putting on my favorite song and just letting it all out whenever I want a pick-me-up. It’s hard to feel amazing after that.
Performing an act of kindness for someone else always feels great. Plus, a kind person radiates beauty.
Anytime I want to relax, I’ll put on a guided meditation on YouTube. It’s not just when I’m feeling stressed out either — it’s part of my daily ritual of feeling calm and at peace.
I keep my daily motivation up by regularly setting goals to get my life to where I want it to be. It gives me a sense of purpose and I always feel a confidence boost every time I accomplish what I set out to do. Lately, I’ve been looking to better my career prospects and increase my earning potential, so I’m working on earning an MBA online so I can increase my business, leadership, and marketing acumen.
I hope you enjoyed these tips on how you can look and feel your absolute best. They always help me anytime I realize I need to focus more on self-care.
Blog contributed by Kimberly Thomas from ushealthcorps.org
Image via Pexels