The beauty of balance training is that anyone can & should do it. Stability/Balance training improves health, balance, sports performance, and things you do in every day life. Balance is the ability to stay in control of the body’s position.
Balance exercises can be intense. You’re recruiting muscles in your deep core, legs & basically whole body to stabilize. Using a Core Balance Disc is an effective way to strengthen the obliques, thighs, glutes, & low back. Strengthen the muscles that connect your hips to your pelvis & your pelvis to your spine – Your CORE muscles. GenerationFit’s Core Balance Disc is designed to challenge you at any level. Add or release air to change difficulty level.
Any age & at any fitness level, balance & stability training is a key element to fitness & to everyday life. If you haven’t started balance training, now is the time.
The dual purpose Core Balance Disc has gained popularity for its use in active sitting. Used by many in homes and offices, sitting on GenerationFit’s Disc creates an unstable surface forcing the body to perform continuous micro movements to correct balance. This strengthens the muscles supporting the spine, improving posture, neck and low back pain.
Active sitting is a new way of sitting on an object to encourage constant micro-movements. With the surge of pricey complex office chairs now on the market how do you know what to use? It should not be this complicated.
The Core Balance Disc can transform the way you sit without breaking the bank. No assembly required! Think of the large exercise ball you’ve seen people sit on. This is the improved concept. The mobile design can go anywhere with you. How much tilt or muscle activation do you want? You decide by the amount of air you pump into it.
Revolutionize your approach to sitting. Using your Core Balance Disc on a chair creates a more open angle between the waist and legs. The pelvis can tilt back to its natural setting, relieving stress on the lumbar region.
Perform exercises at your desk with pelvic tilts and more. Improve low back, posture, core and spinal muscles.
Burn calories while you work, increase production and boost spinal health practicing active sitting on the Core Balance Disc.
If you’re suffering from back issues, you should add this to your pain management routine.
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